A friend introduced essential oils to me. At the time, I only knew about essential oils to make my homemade soaps smell good. As a nurse, we used peppermint and lavender in my hospital, but we weren’t educated on potential health benefits and used peppermint mainly to cover up odors in patient bathrooms and lavender to help calm patients.
I started using my essential oils and noticed positive changes in my physical and mental health. I started sleeping better. My moods were better. I was able to cope with stress better. My monthly cycle was more manageable. I engaged in self care more frequently. “What gives?” I thought and I began to dive deep in evidence based studies on essential oils and their chemical constituents. To this day, I still read newly released research studies on essential oils nightly. I founded Science of Essentials (@scienceofessentials on instagram) shortly after. I became a Certified Aromatherapist. I have taken a wide range of aromatherapy courses including: aromatic chemistry, essential oil safety, internal use, aromas and the mind and emotional well-being, trauma release techniques, skin care, pregnancy, menopause and more. I am currently teaching Aromatherapy Certification Courses through The School for Aromatic Studies. If interested in learning more about becoming a Certified Aromatherapist through my program click here.
I am an enneagram 2 wing 1 and have always had a passion to help others. I always thought if I wasn’t a nurse, I would be a high school health teacher. I feel extremely humbled I am able to now do a combination of both. I teach courses to help others ditch the overwhelm around holistic health and show them how to use essential oils to promote balance within their mind and body and I’m so happy you’re here!
Ready to learn? Check out my different offerings HERE!